
Girl, you look good

Okay, I have spent my whole life dressing like a garbage man and nobody has ever told me they like my style. Until now, and it happens at least once a week. This time, it was a mom in the preschool pickup line. “Girl, you always look so good!” 1) I hardly ever shower, and 2), I get dressed in the dark. I could not be happier with my uniform wardrobe.

The long and short of it is that I have the round-trip travel dress from Betabrand (referral link; I don’t know how to put a referral to the exact dress so if you click this link, you’ll go straight to my favorite pattern, but neither of us will be any richer. If you use my referral link, and search “round-trip travel dress,” I think we both get $15 off our next order), in five different variations (which makes a total of 20 options, because they can each be worn four ways), and I’ve worn them every day to work for eight months. I hung onto a few weekend outfits (a pair of jeans, a few pair of leggings, 2 t-shirts, 3 hoodies), but my wardrobe is a tiny percentage of what it once was. And my life is better.

And the other preschool mom who complimented me this morning probably didn’t expect me to launch into a sales pitch for these dresses, but sorry not sorry. I’ve turned into an evangelist. She said “they have pockets!” I was like “THAT IS JUST THE BEGINNING.”

Anyway, I’m here to say that I was a bit nervous changing my wardrobe but this uniform gig is something I am digging and it is turning out to be sustainable. And self-esteem building.

I just saw they have two new versions of it and I’m totally not going to buy them, I’m not, except I might buy this one, pictured below. Once I pay off my taxes in a hundred years.

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